benefits of red light therapy

DIY Red Light Therapy for Neck Wrinkles: Affordable and Effective

DIY Red Light Therapy

Are you familiar with what neck wrinkles are, and for which reasons do you get to face this problem? If you are not familiar with that, then here is the blog that would be helpful for you. It’s because through this guide you will not only get familiar with the skin problem in a better way but will also get to know about the DIY solutions that you can opt for with treatment at home to have the best results that will make your skin glow differently.

Apart from this, the post will help you know with DIY red light therapy which product you should choose to have a flawless result and why you should choose this method. 

So, without any further ado, let’s get started: 

What are neck wrinkles and their causes? 

Neck wrinkles, which are also called necklines, not only occur in that specific part but also occur on or near other body parts like the mouth, eye, hand, forehead, etc. Like other problems, this is also a natural part of ageing that can be faced when the skin starts to lose its elasticity.

This will happen because, as you age, you start to lose your natural cell count as it starts to decrease because of not doing anything better for the skin. So, due to this, in turn, everyone used to see these lines on their skin, which made them worried about their looks. Well, apart from this, the problem not only starts to occur when you lose the elasticity, but when you keep your head in the same position for a long period, then also you get to face this problem. 

So, for more understanding, let’s have a look and learn about the common as well as major causes of neck wrinkles.

Causes of neck wrinkles

Have a look at the list of numerous causes: 

Direct sun exposure

This is the main and common cause through which you will be able to face the problem of neck wrinkles, as when you get in direct contact with the sun, then the harmful UV rays enter your skin and disrupt cell production. Due to this, the cells start to get damaged, which may cause the skin to sag and cause wrinkles to appear on the skin. 

Due to excessive smoking

Another common cause due to which the problem of wrinkles starts to appear on the neck is the habit of excessive smoking. This is the habit that these days people do get, as they think the stress that they have in their mind will get reduced without thinking about the bad effects that this habit has on them and their skin. This habit of smoking causes collagen and elastin production to get stopped, which makes the skin dry and lets the lines start to appear on the skin, through which you will look aged even when you are not. 

Repeated movements 

When you repeatedly make frequent facial movements, then you face the problem of wrinkles because squirting makes the skin sag. With this, if you do frequent movement, then the creases start to form that may later form into the deeper and more noticeable wrinkles. 

Due to genetics

This may happen in the family for a long time. Sometimes people do have wrinkles on their skin even before giving birth. So, at that time, wrinkles start to form on them and in your body also.

Not having enough water intake, like others, is one of the causes due to which you will face the problem of neck wrinkles as you will not hydrate yourself due to the busy schedule, which will also lead to making your skin the worst.

Due to less water intake

You should know that the body needs water and electrolyte balance to maintain homeostasis, support tissue function, and regulate temperature. It can act as a nutrient, solvent, and transport carrier. If the body is lacking in hydration, tissues start to dry out, and the way your systems function according to their design becomes faulty, and problems like ageing, inflammation, etc. will happen on the skin like wrinkles or lines. 

Due to a lack of skincare routine

Skipping anti-ageing skincare will be a waste since it will be easier to age with wrinkles, sagging, and sunspots. Acne and blemishes are the least of what you should be worried about; neglecting skincare will give rise to dry, patchy skin, inhibiting a lackluster complexion too. Unfortunately, without proper sun protection, the skin is in danger of developing UV damage, skin cancers, and other chronic dermatoses, which may later require more invasive and expensive treatments. 

Apart from the causes now, let’s have a look at what kind of prevention you can take at home for amazing results. Let’s know about them: 

DIY preventions to take for the at-home neck wrinkle treatment

There are numerous options that you can take, so let’s have a look at a few of them:

Adapt the proper skincare routine

This is one of the ways through which you can reduce the problem of neck wrinkles at home, as this specific skin problem needs everyone to follow a bit of steps that come under the proper skincare routine, like:

In the morning

  • Use a mild cleanser to clean your face

This is the first step that you have to follow in the morning, like washing your face by using mild cleansers, as the harsh ones either make the skin dry or reduce the production of new cells that make the skin start to sag. So, always, while washing your face, you have to remember to use a mild cleanser or face wash. 

  • Use Vitamin C

Using Vitamin C in the morning is good for neck wrinkles since it can help to act as a powerful antioxidant. Free radicals in the skin or urban pollution and UV radiation are the worst enemies of young skin, but a record amount of vitamin C neutralizes their free electrons, and your skin can feel safe. 

  • Apply sunscreen

As you have successfully applied Vitamin C, now comes the turn to use the sunscreen on your skin that will not only provide the best way to lock the moisture but will also help you in going outside and facing the sunlight. Through this, you will even get to protect yourself from harsh things, but it will also protect you from direct contact with UV rays that make the skin bad. 

In the evening

  • Use a mild cleanser

Like the morning routine, you should follow the same routine of washing the face with cleanser, as it’s important to clean the skin because, during the day, everyone gets to have dirt and other debris that will make the skin look bad. So, focus on using a mild cleanser to clean or even wash the face to follow the other steps. 

  • Incorporate glycolic or salicylic acid to use for 1 or 2 days every week

Additionally, applying salicylic or glycolic acid at night 1-2 days per week on your neck for anti-ageing is effective because the exfoliating acids work to renew and rejuvenate the skin as you sleep. That means you benefit from these acids and are not at risk of sensitivity to sunlight exposure, which leads to smoother skin and a more youthful complexion.

  • Use moisturiser

Once the other things are applied to the skin, then you should be sure to follow up with a great moisturiser. After using exfoliating acids, can disrupt the skin barrier. This way your skin will look good and make you look more fabulous with the best confidence level.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle

Like a proper skincare routine, you have to follow an adaptable, balanced diet in terms of food because it aids in keeping the skin fresh as well as youthful, which helps to prevent the growth of neck creases. Following are some of the important nutrients and dietary constituents that must be provided for the correct healthy skin:

  • Consume at least 2 liters of water every day so your skin continues to be hydrated. Nevertheless, consumption of it in its bottled kind is what I have my reservation; consuming more amount of water can reduce or avoid dry, scratchy skin by denying additional moisture loss.
  • This includes antioxidants (berries, citrus fruits), colorful vegetables (carrots, spinach, sweet potatoes), and green tea, which protect the skin from free radical-induced oxidative damage.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish such as salmon, mackerel flaxseeds, and walnuts decrease inflammation and keep skin loose.
  • For healthy habits, focus on taking those antioxidants that are present in some vegetable oils, nuts, and seeds, as these will normalize the production of cells and collagen, which is important to maintain the natural skin glow.
  • Vitamin A helps reduce the rate of skin cell growth.
  • It is important to provide sufficient protein in your diet, which can come from lean meats, poultry, fish, and beans or legumes, as collagen cannot be created without protein.
  • Throw in some avocado, olive oils, and nuts—healthy fats to help maintain your skin oil layer with hydration.
  • If you want to exacerbate your skin concerns, then by all means turn to sugar and processed foods.
  • To let your skin get repaired and regenerated properly, you should take at least 7-8 hours of proper sleep without any disturbance.
  • Like other things, if you do smoke and consume alcohol, then you should know that you have to avoid this habit, as only then will you get to reduce the effects of premature ageing.
  • Avoid Sun Exposure and Tanning Beds
  • Eat collagen supplements for skin moisturising and elasticity.

Opt for different procedures for neck wrinkles

Now, when it comes to opting for different procedures, then you should have a look below to know better which treatments you can take:

  • Red light therapy masks

This is the mask that acts based on the light wavelength, and based on the color mode, it reduces the effect of different skin problems. So, you all should give a try to this therapy, and while doing this therapy, you can use EvenSkyn Mirage: Pro LED Phototherapy Face Mask  to get the best possible results.

  • Can use derma rolling

The process of derma rolling uses a hand-held device called a derma roller (a handle followed by a cylindrical head with sharp, tiny needles). Two common areas where derma rolling may come up are in overall skin texture improvement—that's what I was looking for, but if you want it to help with fine wrinkles, acne scars, or stretch marks, 

Now, after knowing about these essentials, let’s have a look at how red light therapy helps in reducing the problem of neck wrinkles. But before that, let’s have a look at what the therapy is with its working to know how you can use this treatment method on your skin to incorporate the issue. 

Red Light Therapy: What is the therapy? 

It's a low- or medium-processed form of red light being used for skin care treatment and therapy to have amazing glowing, jolly, even improved skin on every other person. It helps in reducing the redness and blemishes like wrinkles, smiles, and laugh lines that fade away. While the treatment mask works to smooth the skin during light exposure, light is under its flat face setting that goes through and over your skin and provides bio-processes. 

These kinds of therapies were done just with a light, and when I read more into how beneficial this could be, it seemed too simple. 

Some red light therapy lights have a wavelength range of as much as 10 nm. Since this can remove numerous skin troubles like creases, rashes, scarring, and others, it is used to treat the skin. Using light in a quasimolecular state, the treatment mask helps activate various biological activities within the skin, promoting light penetration and lighting the skin. 

So now, maybe for more perspective, let's look at how this therapy works: 

Red Light Therapy: Working

It is important to understand the way this therapy works, as it does require you to walk through these steps and bring out not just the glow but accelerate the results. So, let’s know about it:
It starts with the light entering our reality. → The RLT tool penetrates the skin layer up to the outermost dermal coating; when it does get to the skin there, you can then use the light dependent on its wavelength to be absorbed into those cells within the layer of the skin, which produces collagen and will repair the skin. 

  • When this light energy is absorbed by the mitochondria (the powerhouse of cells), it causes the cell to produce more ATP, which is what is needed for the cell to repair this damage and promote skin rejuvenation. 
  • It is one of the 3 significant structural proteins in your skin, along with everything else that keeps our bodies from crumbling to a soggy mass. Understanding collagen skin anatomy For a start, we do have to know what your skin surface layer looks like. As you get older, collagen production slows down, and as more time passes, it goes over very quickly, and all of a sudden your skin is covered in wrinkles and sags. So, instead of having this, go for RLT, and with the help in the production of collagen agency assignment quality services, then you can have tight and young skin. 
  • Want to know how red light therapy works? RLT works by increasing blood circulation. We should be able to observe an increase by then since blood flow continues to operate smoothly and properly post-treatment. Thereby, give an attempt to the home red light therapy and observe the astonishing results.
  • When that flow of blood is stabilized and those new cells are also made, then certainly you will not only get to move relatively faster but will also manage to uphold the exact fairness on your skin along with awesome results that do no less than amaze you.

Now that you get the idea of how this therapy will work on your skin, let’s let you know that based on this treatment method, you can incorporate masks like EvenSkyn Mirage: Pro LED Phototherapy Face Mask on your skin through at-home DIY for exceptional results.

How to incorporate a red light therapy mask like EvenSkyn Mirage: Pro LED Phototherapy Face Mask on your skin through the at-home DIY method? 

There are various steps involved in the incorporation process; let’s grab details about them to have exceptional treatment results:

Choose the appropriate device

This is the first step to incorporating the therapy through the DIY method, which explains that you should focus on observing that the device should be proper; if it is defective, then there won’t be any use in investing; everything will be a big failure, and you have to look and purchase again.

Choose the device with eye protectors or take the appropriate ones

Once you have made the choice of a device like EvenSkyn Mirage: Pro LED Phototherapy Face Mask, then you should keep in mind that you should have one that has eye protectors in it, as the light that it emits may harm your eyes. But if you forgot to do the same, then DIY of choosing the eye protector differently would be the best to have the amazing results. 

Keep the device at the proper distance and area

Like other steps, another thing you should follow is to focus on keeping the device at the proper distance after knowing about the usage by getting in touch with the dermatologist. It’s important to know the same because only then will you get to apply the device properly so that the skin through this won’t get harmed but will get better.

Do apply the serum before using the device

Another DIY step you should follow is to apply the serum before using the device, as only then, after the treatment, you will be able to lock the moisture in your skin. It will not only work on your look but will also make you feel confident.

Be consistent in taking proper sessions

Do focus on taking proper sessions as recommended by the dermatologist, as through this you will be able to observe the frequent results; otherwise, the device will even take time to reduce the skin problem.

Do complete your skincare properly as per the day or evening routine

Once you are done with your treatment session, then to lock the moisture on your skin in a better way, complete your routine skincare because through this you will be able to maintain the results of treatment for a long time on your skin.


By having a look at the information that is discussed above for your better understanding, DIY methods for red light therapy can also help you attain amazing results only if you have chosen the right product for the therapy.

So, for the appropriate choice of product, you can look for EvenSkyn, as we have amazing products available for your skin not only for a single problem but for all different ones that make you look aged.


  • Grace Gallagher “What Causes Neck Lines and How to Get Rid of Them” 2019 October 02
  • Apostrophe Team “Neck Wrinkles: Causes, Prevention & Treatment” 2024 June 04
  • Dr. Alpana Mohta “Neck wrinkles: How to prevent and treat them according to a dermatologist”
  • Heidi Mesbah and Devin McSween “How to Use Red Light Therapy at Home” September 2024, 02
  • Kimberly Dawn Neumann "Red Light Therapy: Benefits, Side Effects And Uses." January 2024, 12
  • Jacquelyn Cafasso "What Is Red Light Therapy and How Does It Work?" December 2023, 14
  • Tom Rush “What Is Red Light Therapy (RLT) and How Does It Work?” 2024 Jun 03
  • Heidi Mesbah and Devin McSween “How to Use Red Light Therapy at Home” 2024 September 02

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Sagging Skin
Red Light Therapy for Wrinkle Reduction

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